Category: Featured

U.S. Wine and Spirit Industry Newsletters

Here’s a handy list of the most important wine and spirit industry newsletters in the U.S. Wine and Spirit Daily (WSD) Highly regarded, original content, often from news releases, focuses on breaking news headlines. (subscription fee) Industry News...

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Bevology to Sponsor and Speak at wine2wine Business Forum

We’re media sponsors of this event and I’d like my readers to give serious consideration to attending wine2wine Business Forum 2021. This is the first wine trade show of significance to “go live” since Covid hit. I don’t know about you, but I’ve certainly missed the travel and more...

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New Podcast Series

I’ve launched a new podcast series based on my book “How to Get U.S. Market-Ready. It airs weekly on the Italian Wine Podcast channel and is produced by Stevie Kim and her team at Wine2Digital in Verona. The series focuses on practical advice on how to enter and grow wine and spirit...

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Interview by Wine Meridian (Italy) published Mar. 23, 2020

Vino italiano negli Usa tra Corona Virus e dazi Qual è lo scenario possibile per il vino italiano oltreoceano? L’emergenza sanitaria sta paralizzando un’economia già traballante. L’emergenza Corona Virus sta arrivando anche dall’altra parte del globo e ormai è allarme rosso, sanitario...

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2020 Industry Trade Shows, Conferences

While most of us are focused on O/N/D, it’s also a good time to start planning for 2020.  Below is a list—in chronological order—of industry trade shows, conferences, seminars and summits that are relevant to the U.S. “Bev. Alc.” business. If you have any to add,...

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